Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Today the group visited Dachau, got a tour of Munich, and had some free time for shopping before having dinner. My exciting purchase of the day? A dirndl! The group picture from today is from Maria's Square in Munich as well as some candid shots. Don't worry about Alex with the microphone, he wasn't doing karaoke...he gave the bus a mini history lesson on WWII on our way back to Munich from Dachau. He did an excellent job!

I thought it would be fun to give the students a chance to give their views of the trip so far. They started writing books so I will have only a few write each day.

Katie M.-
Hi to everyone back home! I think we're all having an amazing time, or at least I am. Rothenburg was a great way to start the trip, and Neuschwanstein Castle was beautiful. I used to love hr Swan Lake Barbie movie, and it was pretty cool to go to where that was based. In Rothenburg I went into a gorgeous church where there was supposedly a drop of Jesus's blood displayed. It would be so cool if its real. Emma is keeping me well fed with stolen packets of Nutella and I'm excited for the rest of our adventure. I hope everyone is doing well back in Price County!
-KM :)

Emma S.-
Hello to everyone at home!! Germany has been beautiful and everything we have seen so far has been stunning! The size and age of the buildings here are amazing! Some have so much history behind them. Rothenburg was beautiful with all of the colorful buildings and cobblestone streets. Also, Neuschwanstein Castle was definitely a fun thing to see. You dont see a lot of castles in Northern Wisconsin ;) You can tell both the inside and outside of the castle took TONS of work to complete and the carvings and paintings are stunning. Anoher very memorable place was Dachau, which was a concentration camp. The history of the camp was very enlightening and interesting. Finally, Munich is a beautiful city! The buildings are huge and very unique. You would never see anything like that at home! Anyway, so far the trip has been awesome to say the least and definitely something I would do again! Hope the weather there is better than it is here! See everyone in a week or so!

Emilie B.-
Greetings to everyone in America! This trip has been AMAZING, and we have only seen Germany so far. We were delayed on the way to Europe, but everything turned out fine and we arrived safely in Europe and jumped right into our tour! We started with Rothenburg, which was , in one word, cute. The buildings were colorful and I love the cobblestone streets. Tonisha and I climbed up a ton of steps and ladders to climb to the top of a tower, which provided us with an awesome view of the city. Sometimes, if the people don't speak English very well, it is hard to communicate. We can't read sins and are awkwardly trying to pull open doors that say "push". Also, we are not used to bike lanes and frequently almost get run over by bicyclists. I think my favorite part so far was seeing the Neuschwanstein Castle, built by "mad" King Ludwig II. The castle was beautiful. I love hearing about the history of Germany. We learned a lot about World War II, and just finished our trip to Dachau, a concentration camp. I'm excited for the rest of our tour! But it will be nice, when we return to America, to not have to pay to use the "water closets". We haven't had the best weather buy it's okay, because we. Are. In. Europe! Can you tell that I'm excited?? See you all when we get home!

We will be leaving Germany in the morning and driving to Italy with a stop in Innsbruck, Austria! It will be a long day on the road but hopefully we will be snow-free for a few days after tomorrow!

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